Amelia is an artist specialising in performance, photography and ceramics based in London / Margate




STAPLE x Turner Contemporary, Margate (2023)

A Home for Art, Highgate Contemporary, London (2021)

Dream Machine, High Street House, London (2021)

Odds, TOMA project space, Southend (2019)

LAND WORKS, Radio London, London (2017)

Sometimes I am searching for a small glimpse of sun, Limbo, Limbo Gallery, London (2017)


Access all areas, Unreal City, Battersea Arts Centre, London (2020)

Moon Fruit, Physical Fest, Unity Theatre, Liverpool (2015)

Dear Universe, Small Stories, Big City, Rich Mix, London (2015)

Moon Fruit, Marlborough Theatre, Brighton (2015)

1 month, Live in Artist residency, Marlborough Theatre, Brighton (2015)

A Cloud of Foxes, The Roundhouse, London (2014) 

1 year Poetry Ensemble Resident Poet, The Roundhouse, London (2013-2014)

The Art of Change, Hayward Gallery, London (2012)

Leotard Ladies, Accidental Festival, ICA, London (2009) 


Evening class, Abigail Ozora Simpson Studio, Margate (2020 - 2021)

1 week Ancient Pottery Residency, Master potter Aïcha Tabbiz, Ain Bouchrik Village, Morocco (2019)

Technician and Mentor, Turning Earth Ceramics, London (2015-2017)

Evening class, Maze Hill Pottery, Florian Gadsby, London (2015)


Warmer, Convergence Community Film Festival, South London Gallery, London (2020)

Warmer, The Royal Academy of Arts, London (2019)

I hear you, Official Selection, LSFF, London (2018)

I hear you, Official Selection, Los Angeles Television Script and Film Festival, Los Angeles (2018)

I hear you, ARFF Barcelona, International Film Festival, Barcelona (2018)

I hear you, Le Petit Cannes, Cannes (2018)

I hear you, Lift off Global Network, Pinewood Studios (2018)

Herd, Random Acts North, ICA, London (2017) 


Family Sundays workshop facilitator, Royal Academy of Arts, London (2015-2020)

Portugal Prints artist therapy, assistant artist, Mind Charity, London (2017)

Creative writing workshop facilitator, Ministry of Stories, London (2014)

Spoken word poetry workshop facilitator, A cloud of foxes, The Roundhouse, London (2014)  

Mentor, Aspire volunteer programme, Toynbee Hall, London (2012-2013)

Workshop facilitator, Blue Elephant Theatre, London (2008)  

Collaborator & performer w/ Cotelands pupil referral unit, Clocktower Theatre, London (2007)

All Rights Reserved © 2021 Amelia Prett